+34 922 259 506 | +34 670 805 253 | +34 617 664 586 | FINCA EL PICACHO info@fincaelpicacho.com

Legal Notice

Respecting what is established in the regulation organic law of the Automated treatment of personal character data (LORTAD) and in response to the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the data you introduce for the process of booking will be incorporated to a automated file Whose ownership Corresponds to the establishment owner Finca El Picacho NIF 42929974Z. Your data will be used and treated with objectives of management and promotion for the lodging, being established the Measures to protect your confidentiality.

We remind you that under the provisions of article 25 of Organic Law 4/2015, of March 30, on the Protection of Citizen Security and its development regulations, your data will be transferred to the security forces and bodies, as well as to all those administrations to which this organization is obliged by law.

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